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Time:2023-05-30 05:43:09




British Union Jack flag flies in front of the clock face of Big Ben in London, Britain August 29, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Big Ben to sound again


Britain's Big Ben bell in parliament's landmark clock tower will ring at midnight on New Year's Eve, marking the start of a year for the first time since its restored blue clock face was revealed from behind scaffolding halfway through restoration work. 位于英国议会地标建筑钟楼的大本钟将于元旦零点敲响钟声,自修复后从脚手架后露出蓝色钟面以来,这将是它首次敲响新年的钟声。

The 96-meter-tall Elizabeth Tower, one of the most photographed buildings in Britain, has been enveloped in scaffolding for the last two years as the four clock dials are reglazed, ironwork repainted and intricately carved stonework cleaned and repaired. 96米高的"伊丽莎白塔"是英国上镜最多的建筑之一,在过去的两年里,它一直被脚手架覆盖着,四个钟面被重新装饰,铁艺被重新粉刷,雕刻复杂的石雕被清洁和修复。

Since it was silenced in 2017 for restoration work, Big Ben has only sounded for some important events, such as Remembrance Day and the New Year. 自2017年大本钟因修复工程而沉寂以来,它只在一些重要的活动上鸣响,如荣军纪念日和新年。

The restoration of the entire Elizabeth Tower, which will cost an estimated £61 million and see the landmark repaired and redecorated, is due to be completed in 2021.整个大本钟的修复工作将于2021年完成,预计耗资6100万英镑(约合人民币5.58亿元),届时大本钟将得以修缮和重新装饰。

Nine-year-old Belgian student Laurent Simons poses with his dog Sammie at the University of Technology in Eindhoven, Netherlands November 20, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Child prodigy dumps degree


Child prodigy Laurent Simons has left his university course, following a dispute over his graduation date. 由于在毕业时间上出现争议,神童劳伦特·西蒙斯已经中断了大学课程。

Laurent, 9, made world headlines in November when news emerged that he was due to finish his studies in electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) in the Netherlands in December. 9岁的劳伦特在11月上了各国媒体的头条,新闻报道称他将在12月完成荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学电气工程学的课程。

Now, a dispute between TUE and the Simons family has seen Laurent terminate his studies without graduating. 如今,埃因霍芬理工大学和西蒙斯一家的纠纷导致劳伦特没有毕业就终止了大学学业。

TUE said it had recommended Laurent finish his studies by mid-2020, rather than at the end of December, because of the number of exams he still has to pass. 埃因霍芬理工大学称其建议劳伦特于2020年中完成学业,而不是12月底,因为他还需通过多项考试。

But Laurent's father, Alexander Simons, had repeated his explicit wish that his son should obtain his bachelor degree at the age of 9. 但劳伦特的父亲亚历山大·西蒙斯反复重申他的意愿,明确希望儿子在9岁时拿到学士学位。

Ultimately, the family decided Laurent would leave TUE to study for a doctorate at a university in the US.最后,亚历山大一家决定,劳伦特将离开埃因霍芬理工大学,赴美国一所大学读博。

Photo by Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash

>Cell phone detection cameras


The Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) rolled out "high-definition detection cameras", designed to catch drivers using cell phones behind the wheel. 澳大利亚新南威尔士州近日推出"高分辨率侦测摄像头",目的是抓拍边开车边用手机的司机。

Andrew Constance, New South Wales' minister for roads, said the "world-first" technology would target illegal cell phone use through "fixed and mobile trailer-mounted cameras." 新南威尔士州交通部长安德鲁·康斯坦斯说,这项"世界第一"的技术将通过"固定摄像头和装在拖车上的移动摄像头"来锁定违法使用手机的行为。

The cameras will use artificial intelligence to review images and detect illegal use of cell phones, according to Transport for NSW. 新南威尔士州交通部称,这款摄像头将用人工智能技术回顾监控录像,从而识别出违法使用手机的情况。

For the first three months, drivers caught out by the technology will receive a warning letter, after which offenders will face a fine of up to $344, or $457 in a school zone, and penalty points on their driver’s license.头三个月内被该技术抓获的司机将收到一封警告信,之后被抓获的司机将面临最高344美元(约合人民币2432元)的罚款,在学校区域罚款可高达457美元,驾照也会被扣分。

He Jiankui is reflected in a glass panel as he works at a computer at a laboratory in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong province, Oct 10, 2018. [Photo/IC]

>Man jailed for gene-editing



Chinese researcher He Jiankui was sentenced to three years in prison and fined 3 million yuan for illegally carrying out human embryo gene-editing intended for reproduction, in which three genetically edited babies were born, according to a court in Shenzhen city. 深圳市南山区人民法院30日宣布,因非法实施以生殖为目的的人类胚胎基因编辑活动,造成3名基因编辑婴儿降生,判处国内研究员、南方科技大学原副教授贺建奎有期徒刑三年,并处罚金人民币300万元。

The Nanshan District People's Court of Shenzhen said He, former associate professor with the Southern University of Science and Technology, and two others were convicted of illegal medical practice. 南山区人民法院称,贺建奎及来自广东省两家医疗机构的张仁礼和覃金洲犯有非法行医罪。

Zhang Renli and Qin Jinzhou from two medical institutes in Guangdong Province received jail terms of two years, and 18 months with a two-year reprieve, respectively, as well as fines. 法院判处张仁礼有期徒刑二年,并处罚金;判处覃金洲有期徒刑一年六个月,缓刑二年,并处罚金。

He claimed in November 2018 that the world's first genetically edited babies were born with their DNA altered to prevent them from contracting HIV. 2018年11月,贺建奎宣称世界首例基因编辑婴儿诞生,其DNA已被改编以防止感染艾滋病。

The news made a scientific splash and prompted an immediate investigation from authorities. 此消息在科学领域引起轩然大波,促使有关部门立即就此展开调查。

According to the verdict, the three, not qualified to work as doctors, had knowingly violated the country's regulations and ethical principles to practice gene editing in assisted reproductive medicine. It said their acts were "in the pursuit of personal fame and gain" and have seriously "disrupted medical order." 根据裁决,3名被告人未取得医生执业资格,追名逐利,故意违反国家管理规定,逾越伦理道德底线,将基因编辑技术应用于人类辅助生殖医疗,扰乱医疗管理秩序,情节严重。

The three pleaded guilty during the trial.3名被告人当庭表示认罪悔罪。

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